
[...Mi alma está hecha de luz y tinieblas. No sabe de brumas...]

sábado, abril 21, 2012


Todo tiene sentido ahora...
Cansada de batallar. Exausta.Consumida por el esfuerzo. En un momento de debilidad ansiada, caí de frente al vacio... No tuve tiempo de pensar o de vacilar, deje de balancearme y asumí  lo que hubiera de venir...

And maybe it won't be forever.... but today, but at this very moment it doesn't mather.... 

You know, I said, I think... but what you don't know is how difficult was giving you that concession... 

You didn't notice that every one single of my muscles were shaking...
You didn't realize that each and every single one of my nerves were tense and ready to run...
You didn't hear all my doors slammed...
You didn't see my hands dropping, my eyelash falling down and my thoughts singing...
You didn't feel my burning lips, my chest boiling, my knots all over the place...

But I noticed your constant breathing...
But I realized about your strenght pushing me to the end....
But I hear each and every single one window opening...
But I saw butterflies glowing in purple, my words changing turning in to my thoughts, my thoughts turning into new words...and my words, turnings again into shiny and new sounds matching the seconds that filled up my troath...
But I feel , your ribs open up, your hungry eyes, all your thoughts floating all around  me, your heartbeat over mine...


soñado por Aislyng sobre las 02:39 0 hmmmmm...

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